Lambert Lake (Broad Street)
An ecological survey of Lake Lambert has highlighted that the pond is over populated with fish, namely Rudd and Perch. Unfortunately this concentration of fish is responsible for the cloudy water [...]
Temporary Closure of Sports Centre
The sports centre has sustained damage to the roof. In high winds, part of the water proofing (flashing) was blown off. Until the roof is inspected by qualified personnel, and subsequent [...]
Priory Walk Car Park
The car park will be closed from 5pm Saturday 16th March until 5pm Sunday 17th March so that works to repaint the parking bays can be carried out. Please remember to remove your vehicle. Vine [...]
Cambourne Status
At a meeting of Cambourne Parish Council on Tuesday 5th March 2019 Cambourne Parish Council voted to become Cambourne Town Council. To represent a Town of four villages (Great Cambourne, Lower [...]
Winter Gritting
Cambourne Parish Council carries out Winter Gritting under the County Council voluntary winter gritting scheme and can only go out to grit when permitted to do so and we rely on the County [...]
Councillor Vacancy
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please inform the Parish Clerk by 12pm, Wednesday 30th January. Co-Option will be held Tuesday 5th February at the Parish Council meeting. [...]
Councillor Vacancy
Please email for more information
Bourn Airfield planning application
A special Council meeting will be held Tuesday 30th October. Agents of the developer will be in attendance for the presentation. See agenda CPC/M184
CBBR Proposal
The Parish Council agreed to support the CBBR proposal at the October Council meeting. Minutes can be found on our website – CPC M182, Agenda Item 15. If you support the CBBR proposal, you [...]